CASE 2 (Global Warming)CIO
The CIO typically reports to the chief executive officer, chief operations officer or chief financial officer. In military organizations, they report to the commanding officer.Information technology and its systems have become so important that CIO has come to be viewed in many organizations as the key contributor in formulating strategic goals for an organization. Most likely, the CIO in a large enterprise manages and delegates decisions to employees more with details. Usually, a CIO proposes the information technology needed by an enterprise to achieve its goals and then works within a budget to implement the plan. The CIO role is also sometimes used interchangeably with the chief technology officer role, although they may be slightly different. When both positions are present in an organization, the CIO is generally responsible for processes and practices supporting the flow of information, whereas the CTO is generally responsible for technology infrastructure.

Global Warming

The steady rise in global average temperature in recent decades, which experts believe is largely caused by man-made greenhouse gas emissions.Global warming and climate change are aspects of our environment that cannot be easily or quickly discounted. Many factions still strongly feel that the changes our Earth is seeing the result of a natural climatic adjustment. Regardless of one’s perspective the effects of global warming are a quantifiable set of environmental results that are in addition to any normal changes in climate. That is why the effects of global warming have catastrophic potential. Global warming may well be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. It could turn out to be the difference between a category three hurricane and a category four. Global warming as caused by greenhouse gas emissions can lead us to a definite imbalance of nature.Obviously there is no one magic solution to the problem of global warming. There are hundreds of questions that need to be asked and addressed as to create an overall Earth plan that will develop our planet wisely. The changes we can make, both large and small when combined global warming for the better.

The Advantage of Green

Advantage Green, Inc. offers a full suite of green building solutions for commercial property owners, corporations, and property management firms. In addition, Advantage Green provides state, local and federal agencies with sustainable solutions that address government mandated green initiatives. Given the rapid changes in new green technologies, products, legislation and environmental concerns, both the public and private sector require a partner that can deliver measurable results.The concept of green buildings comprehends the construction or renovation process and the maintenance and operation of the building in a way that takes into account the impact it has on the environment. When a green design and methodology are applied, natural resources are conserved, materials are re-used, the consumption of energy and water is reduced, materials that are not harmful to health are used, and a pleasant environment, conducive to productivity is provided.

Effect Of Computers
As computers have become less expensive they have been purchased by more and more families for their homes. Because of this, many children begin to use computers at an early age. Even if computers are not available in their home, children almost certainly will begin to come into contact with computers in school.
Some adults are amazed by how readily young children use computers. Many children find that using computers gives them a sense of power and accomplishment. And, unlike many adults whose first or primary contact with computers is work related, most children first use computers for entertainment purposes and games. This is by no means the only use that children have for computers. Children also use computers for accessing information, as well as for writing stories and research papers.Many individuals who work at a computer experience eye-related discomfort and visual problems. However, based on current evidence it is unlikely that the use ofcomputers causes permanent changes or damage to the eyes or visual system. This report will review the factors relating to eye and vision problems associated with computer work and provide recommendations for preventing or reducing their development.

Effect of Computers in an Organizations and in our Planet

Our lives have been permanently altered due to technology, especially computers. Everything we do revolves around computers.Although there is a lot less actual interaction between people because of computers, they are not all bad. They allow people to talk to friends and family that are far away without having to pay the long distance phone bill. Computers also make our lives easier. In the past, grocery store cashiers had to memorize all of the prices for the products in their store. Today, the register is computerized and programmed to know the price by reading the bar code. It would be impossible for anyone to know the price of every item in today's stores. Computers also allow people to do their banking and shopping without leaving their home. Almost anything can be bought off of the internet. In relation to the general energy usage of the average person, computers use very little energy, compared to home heating, driving cars. If you generated energy for you home using non-environmentally damaging source like hydro electric, or wind turbines, it would have no damaging effect except for what ever energy was used in its manufacture and transport to your house.Before computers more paper was used and wasted alot more often. Many trees were cut down that could have been save had there have been computers. Now instead of teachers handing out vast quantities of sheets they use a power point presentation.Instead of sending letters now people can send emails, saving paper and energy to transport these letters.Instead of companys printing and posting out invoices and bills they can just send them by email.

Data Center Server

Is a facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems. It generally includes redundant or backup power supplies, redundant data communications connections, environmental controls example:air conditioning, fire suppression and security devices.Data centers have their roots in the huge computer rooms of the early ages of the computing industry. Early computer systems were complex to operate and maintain, and required a special environment in which to operate. Many cables were necessary to connect all the components, and methods to accommodate and organize these were devised, such as standard racks to mount equipment, elevated floors, and cable trays (installed overhead or under the elevated floor). Also, old computers required a great deal of power, and had to be cooled to avoid overheating. Security was important – computers were expensive, and were often used for military purposes. Basic design guidelines for controlling access to the computer room were therefore devised.

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